Webhooks example Start to Finish example for phone

So I am new to webhooks and bluecherry. Are there any start to finish example/documentation for how to setup a bluecherry webhook that sends notification with motion snapshot attachment to a phone iPhone app like Pushover or other app. I have not been able to find any examples yet. Looking for instructions on the setup, on both sides.

Or if there is a better iphone app for getting notification / attachments that will work also.


In the Bluecherry Admin → Webhooks add this for the URL:


Select the event type(s) you want (motion, device status)

The title can be anything, I would suggest Client Push Notifications

Then login using our mobile app and enable notifications

Disable a camera from the Bluecherry Web UI and you should get a push notification that the device is disabled, reenable and you should be good to go.

Thanks for the info. OK two question first, before I purchase the app. Will ONVIF events trigger this? And will I see a video of the motion event or will it be like a snapshot picture? Sorry for all the questions just trying to eval before I purchase?

Onvif will not currently trigger this, it will soonish.

You can download the TestFlight version (Join the Bluecherry Mobile beta - TestFlight - Apple) for iOS and give the app a try.

It says it is full. And then it wants a code.