Support of LupusNet LE221

I still remember from the old days “research your compatibility when purchasing hardware for linux”. So here is my question:

Is there any experience with Lupusnet cameras? The model in question is the LE221 (4K PoE camera with optical zoom and 2 streams).

It supposedly implements a part of the ONVIF standard.

Sorry for the gerrrrman ;D Any comments on the interoperability with bluecherry?

Looks like we can support this camera since it supports RTSP. You would need to add the camera as a Generic camera and put in the RTSP path:


Let us know how it goes

The LE221 works flawlessly via RTSP. I have bluecherry running in a Proxmox VM writing to a cheap SATA linux-md-raid5.

Thanks. What RTSP streams did you use?

For the main i use /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
For the substream /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1

I use sshfs to browse the media directory remotely. But i dont see recordings of the substream. The substream is only used for the preview i guess? To have “quick search video” i have just added the substream as an additional camera which gave me low-res video files i was looking for.

However the live-view in bluecherry does not give me anything for the LE221 even though the substream is configured on the full-res cam device. I only ever see the player app doing the “stream loading animation”.