Suggestion: Navigating devices

This is a little suggestion, and there may even be a way to do this now that I’m not aware of, but it’s one of those things that is irksome atm. We currently have 30 cameras on 3.0.3 testing it out - so far overall it’s been great. Aside from little issues that crop up here and there, my biggest complaint would be navigation.

For example - right now I’m going through wanting to toggle many of the cameras settings to use the alternate stream since the H.265 seems to be working well per my other post on the live view. The process is a bit tedious with how the navigation setup:

  1. Devices
  2. IP Cameras
  3. Find camera, select properties from the settings (I don’t mind this step at all)
  4. Toggle Setting
  5. Save
  6. Click the all devices bread crumb at the top or use the back button

Now this wouldn’t be a big deal but instead of going back and having all of my cameras listed, it’s collapsed again, so now instead of going to step 3 to continue, one has to go to step 2. May not sound like a big deal but when making a change to 3 cameras, that just adds a bunch of extra time.

It would be nice if either:

  • when you go back via the breadcrumb, the list you had expanded before is in the expanded state
  • A setting somewhere where you can default to the category just being expanded

I know it’s a small nitpicky thing, but I know if I had 64 cameras on the feed I’d probably loose my mind :wink:

I agree, keeping the IP camera category expanded would be useful and something I hope to get added in 3.0.4.

Thanks for the post