I think I know the answer or understand the operation but wanted to know. So when you are setting up the areas for motion detection, I assume if you tag 100% of the view it will add more CPU load than if you shade in say 50% of the area. I assume the less area you shade for motion detection the less harder the CPU has to work for per camera view? Is that how it works?
I have 18 cameras and most of them I have maybe about 50% shaded and a few 100% shaded. I think the average sensitivity has been selected, its the middle blue option, is good enough.
When I have that set, I can not log into the web interface. It times out. My DVR is Vitalized with 8 cores, 16GB ram and EXSI Host shows the DVR using 100% of the 8 cores. I literally have to power off the cameras and then reboot the server so I can then web into it and check things. I will have to go back and look at OVINF settings and try to configure for that. I have several generic brands of I.P. cameras sadly so that can be a challenge.
But just wondered if having less selected would make some difference or not on the CPU?