I am still testing around with the version 2.8.8 and i am curious, if anyone else does get any logs in the logs section of the server UI…
Its always empty for me…
Are you testing this on a clean install and on a clean version of Debian / Ubuntu? I believe you posted about using a ReadyNAS system, those aren’t always a clean version of Debian and instead have some modifications.
If you can reproduce this in a VM let me know.
Hello, no this is a “in production” NAS with no option to wipe for fresh start…
So i assume from your answer, that the log files should be packed with stuff instead of being empty?
I will check if i can get my compiler ubuntu vm to do some tests…
Thx so far
Also, you might try to check for /var/log/bluecherry.log.1 and run:
zcat /var/log/bluecherry.log.2.gz
Then see if that returns results…it could be that the log file was rotated and nothing new was placed into the log.
Thx for your reply…via shell, the logs seems to be available…
But the Client/Server log section says empty…
Will check for rights…
I see a similar thing on server 3.0.0 but I interpret the issue differently. When accessed by the shell I can see log entries. When I try to access the Server log from the web UI it never actually changes to a different panel on the right hand side. So, it may not be that it is empty but rather that the UI isn’t changing based on the user selection of the “Server log” button.
Cause: Log file always opened
Logrotate daemon can rename or delete log file
If file renamed, bluecherry will continue recording to the renamed file.
If file deleted (after sucsessful gipoping), bluecherry will continue recording to the deleted file. Linux and Unux only mark files as “deleted”, and actually mark it as free space, when it closed by all writers and readers.
How to fix it:
It can be fixed by bluecherry staff by 2 ways.
- (light) - open log fow write and close it after write.
- (good) - use logging API, logging can be sent to a simple log, or to a tamper-proof journal.
Thanks. This has been slated to be resolved in RC5 (https://github.com/bluecherrydvr/bluecherry-apps/issues/516)
Just ran into this issue on 3.1.0-rc8. /var/log/bluecherry.log was rotated to bluecherry.log.1 and the server continues to add entries to bluecherry.log.1. The System Log page on the web interface, however, reads the new empty bluecherry.log file and shows it to be empty all the time.