HIKVision cameras & slow frame rates issue

I recently purchased some HIKVision cameras, and they appear to have an issue with slow frame rates. I think its related to how the cameras are streaming, the offer H264 & H265 encoding. I believe BC server is only processing the I-frames in the stream, as the frame rate changes when I change the i-frame interval. If I set the frame rate to 30 frames per sec. and the the I-frame interval is 15 frames, the BC frame rate is 2. if I set the I-frame at 30 & fps to 30,the frame rate is 1 fps. If I change the fps to 16 fps, and set the i-frame to 8, i get 2 fps. What ever combination I try the frame rate is only fps\i-frame interval.

I am using BC version: Version: 3.1.0-rc8

stream: RTSP
transport: TCP\554
path: /Streaming/channels/101
no audio enabled.

Thanks for the report. Which model Hikvision cameras are you using?

Which distribution are you using?

Camera is Hikvision AcuSense DS-2CD2083G2-IU 8MP,

Distro is Ubuntu:
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS x86_64
Kernel 5.15.0-127-generic
BC: Version: 3.1.0-rc8
Load is 0.13

FYI: All other cameras are working fine: acti, axis, grandstream, jideTech. Just the HIKVision cameras seem to only be processing the I-Frames.

You mention 3.1.0-rc8. The latest is 3.1.8, can you try that?