Download of recordings limited to 4K when running as administrator and security programs active

Having a strange issue with 3.0.0-beta16 client downloading videos, this is on Windows 11 machines.
Clicking download it will instantly respond with a checkmark to confirm the video has downloaded. This is entirely too fast as they are 15-minute chunks of continuous recordings on the server. A .mp4 file is created, but is only 4KB in size, so seems to cut out early in the download, file is unreadable. Size should be over 100MB.
Doing troubleshooting, it does appear to be a permission issue in Windows but not entirely sure if there’s an easy way to resolve.
We are using Intune and Endpoint Security. Setting up an Elevation rules policy to allow bluecherry_client.exe to run elevated does work but doesn’t fix the issue.
Running the client with local administrator rights does indeed fix it, have eliminated antivirus programs being the culprit.
Beyond giving the local user admin rights (Users with this permission do not have this issue) or setting up a runas to run the program as a user that has rights to elevate the program, not figuring out a solution.
Just very odd as it’s just the recordings download that are having issues in the client and only on machines the users don’t have administrative rights.

Thank you for the detailed information. This is absolutely bizarre and could be hard to fix without installing Intune or Endpoint on our systems.

I’ve passed this on to a developer for him to ponder. Stand by!

Update on this issue, I got the download function of the client to work, steps needed.

The client needed to be installed on C:\ instead of under C:\Program Files (x86)

Also, had to setup Intune Endpoint Privilege Management to allow the client to run elevated as well. With these two changes was able to download videos via the client, but there’s an issue with existing installs.

Existing client installs, uninstalling and reinstalling the client in the new location on C:\ still have the issue of being unable to download.

What I did notice with a reinstall, settings for servers were still out there, so thinking the client wasn’t fully uninstalled on the machine. I did delete the Bluecherry folders under each users “AppData” folder. What is a proper cleanup of the client to remove all settings, is this a registry cleanup that needs done? I’d hate to have to reinstall the entire machine fresh.

I am going to grab a fresh machine because as of now only one machine I’ve been successful with doing this and want to make sure it’s not a one-off instance and is consistent.

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Testing, this seems to be an install issue with Windows which is confusing.
On a fresh machine with Windows 11 Pro installed, I set to all defaults for installation to cause the download issue.
Client, works fine, all functions. Going to reload a machine that has the issue when time allows but this seems to be a Windows problem and not the client.

The suggestion would be to see the logs (Settings → Advanced Settings → Open log file) and see if there is any issue in there.

Can you confirm that the events on the server are larger then 4k? Perhaps this is a server side issue?

Can you try this version (Release bleeding_edge · bluecherrydvr/unity · GitHub)? We believe we found the issue with “4KB” files. In short if you open them you should notice the file has HTML content, not video data.

Do you have any updates on this? Another customer is experiencing the same problem and we can’t reproduce it locally on any test Windows 10 clients.

No change, still instantly check marks and doesn’t download the full video and what is downloaded can’t be viewed and only a few KBs.

I have not had time to do a reload, which is more a problem being unable to replicate on a new machine. Existing machines (Two) are in service so having had a good time to schedule a reload around the user.

logs.txt (9.6 KB)

Attached Log file, I did 12 attempted downloads before grabbing.

@Altherix Can you go to Settings > Servers and Devices > Server Settings and see if the “Allow untrusted certificates” option is checked?

From your logs, your system is refusing the connection to the server. It may be due to this. Can you check, please?

That option is set in the client.

@Altherix do you have special characters on your password? If yes, that is likely the issue and we are already working on a fix for it.

Please try this version:

That was the issue, had the users change their password to not have special characters and downloads fine now.

Thanks, this is fixed in the latest bleeding_edge release