Updated my bluecherry server and now it won’t connect and it says offline???
Have a better idea of what happened…updated to Ubuntu 24.04.1…
So now if I try re-install it asks to delete user…
Last login: Mon Oct 14 16:38:12 2024 from
root@gc6:~# sudo bash -c “$(curl -fsSL https://install.bluecherrydvr.com/packages)”
bluecherry:x:997:998:Bluecherry DVR:/var/lib/bluecherry:/bin/sh
You’re installing Bluecherry on a system that already has an existing bluecherry user. Please remove that user first as it will be automatically created.
Any idea of where I go from here??? Can this be saved???
Thanks in advance.
Got it going again…
Read through this and reinstalled… Fresh install error Ubuntu 24.04.1
This script seemed to work this time… ```
$ sudo bash -c “$(curl -fsSL https://install.bluecherrydvr.com/packages)”
All is well again, need to be more careful in updating/upgrading Ubuntu.
Sorry, we missed your first post, glad you resolved this.