Backup just DVR config settings and maybe license?


I have looked over posts and seen some on the topic of backup.
I am not wanting to backup the data base and or the recordings. I am looking to just back up all my camera settings / configs and the DVR license. In the event I loose the who server or right now I am looking to move the DVR from Physical to a VM machine.

What are the specific files I would need to manually download and copy, and copy over to a new install of the DVR instant to retain all my camera and server config settings? Or is this part of the DB backup?
I glanced at the topics on the DVR manual and did not see anything jumping out at me.

Chad P

You would need /etc/bluecherry.conf and a mysqldump of Bluecherry.Devices and Bluecherry.Licenses. If you have multiple users you would want to backup Bluecherry.Users


I have decent skills in many areas of Linux. But sometimes my batch / scripting skills can be lacking. Is there anyone out there who is able to create a script file that can be provided in the chat forum that would back up basically what Curtis noted as the configs and mysql dump and then the same to restore by any chance? I have my DVR vitalized on ESXI. And way back when I built my VM and before it started to record. I configured things and activated my license. Then I created / exported the VM to a OVF file that is my backup so to speak of my VM. I think even when I restore from that not sure if the license is still set. But it would be nice to have a script created to export / backup the key config and database files and then a script to put them back in. Maybe as an idea or suggestion for a down the road feature to add that function / button into the DVR Web GUI that would create such a backup / Tar file and then a means through the Web GUI to re-import that backup file.

Does the “Database backup” not do what you need in this case?

I am so sorry, stupid me, did not notice that feature was already there. Sounds like what I see and what you describe, looks like it will. I will check that out When I get / make sure my DVR is licensed and active, then I will run that backup.
Thank you.